TRB Polytechnic 2017 Official Answer key
Recently the exam for Direct Recruitment of Lectures in Government polytechnic Colleges has been conducted by Teacher Recruitment Board (TRB) for the tentative vacacies of 1058 in various Engineering and Non-Engineering departments such as Civil, Mechanical, CSE, ECE, EEE, I&C, IT, Production Engineeering, Printing technology, English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Modern office practice.
Hope the question papers and cut off marks we have provided were helpful during your exam preparation. The candidates who have attempted the exams are looking for the answer key to check their marks tentatively.
If you find any mistake in answer key, feel free to post in in comment. After checking the key, kindly post your mark in comment, it will be helpful in predicting the expected cut off marks for Certificate verification. All the best!