1.As per the latest WTO report, the biggest importer country in the world during 2007 was
2. Who is the richest Resident Indian in the latest estimates of Economic Magazine ‘Forbes’ 2010 released in April 2010 ?
Mukesh Ambani
3.Which of the following organisation publishes World Investment Report ?
4.The banks are required to maintain a certain ratio between their cash in hand and total assets. This is called
SLR (Statutory Liquid Ratio)
5.What is the purpose of the India Brand Equity Fund ?
To make ‘Made in India’ a label of quality
6. Goa?s economy is mainly based on ?
Ores Exportation
7.The proposed Steel Plant of POSCO (Pohang Steel Company) is to be established in Jagatsinghpur distt. of Orissa. To which country POSCO belongs ?
South Korea
8. Which is correct for Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14 ?
The benefit of ECGC Plan is extended till 2010
9. The place where bankers meet and settle their mutual claims and accounts is known as
clearing House
10. How much amount has been proposed for defence expenditure in the budget for 2011-12?
Rs. 164000 croreTNPSC ECONOMICS: PRICE : RS : 100
Nature of Indian economy‐ Five‐year plan models‐an assessment‐Land reforms & agriculture‐ Application of science in agriculture‐Industrial growth‐Role of public sector & disinvestment‐Development of infrastructure‐ National income Rural welfare oriented programmes‐ Social sector problems – population, education, health, employment, poverty‐ HRD – sustainable economic growth‐ Economic trends in Tamil Nadu ‐ Energy Different sources and development‐Finance Commission ‐ Planning Commission‐ National Development Council